SZABÓ Dezső: Empty Images XXIII (Forte), 2019, silver print photogram, 58x48cm. Courtesy of Vintage Gallery.
01/14/2020 - 02/28/2020

Magyar utca 26 
H-1053 Budapest


Vintage Galéria presents "Empty images" by SZABÓ Dezső. The series entitled Empty Images comprises part of a larger scale program which I have been working on for the past few years (Black
& White, 2015; Exposed, 2016; Limits of Light, 2017; Scale, 2018). The title and inspiration for the series come from what is referred to as a contact print. The series itself consists of photograms; it turns the tools that aid in photography into images, thereby paying tribute to them. At the same time, the works, in this form, actually function as autonomous works of art.