Matane, 2015 © Jacques Damez
05/11/2020 - 07/25/2020

38 rue Burdeau 
69001 Lyon


Thomas Chable, Serge Clément, Jacques Damez, Bernard Plossu
Photography captures and stamps moments of our time in the blindness of light. It is in an endless editing, the film of a presence in the world that will be interrupted by the last clap. Meanwhile, the four photographers part of this exhibition travel along territories and routes with no other purpose than giving free rein to their vacuity. No end destination, except to immerse in the solitude and silence of the journey, in search of an inner stability. Being available, being in the overturned movement of the hourglass flow, to catch the intervals, the lightnings, and retain the time grains that hit their rhythm. It is a matter of tempo, of deep beatings that, like blood flow, tell their own tension to the world.