Gisèle Freund, Frida Kahlo in her garden, Coyoacán, Mexico City, circa 1951 (Courtsey: Collection of Dr. Marita Ruiter, Galerie Clairefontaine Luxembourg / © Gisèle Freund/IMEC/Fonds MCC)
04/26/2018 - 06/02/2018

Galerie Clairefontaine 
Espace 2 
21 rue du Saint-Esprit 
L1475 Luxembourg


Galerie Clairefontaine presents an exhibition of Gisèle Freund's photographies.
Gisèle Freund arrived in Mexico in 1950, where she met Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. She became close to the tempestuous, mythical couple and photographed them during her stay, creating the touching series on display.