10/11/2017 - 11/18/2017

 Buenos Aires

We are pleased to announce the exhibition of Adriana Lestido & Juan Travnik, entitled THE DAMNED SPRING, with the curatorship of Patricia Rizzo and Gabriel Díaz.

THE DAMNED SPRING, proposes an unprecedented dialogue between these two well-known Argentine artists. Both Adriana Lestido and Juan Travnik photographed young teenagers during the 80's and 90's. In the case of Adriana, mainly in her series Adolescent Mothers, those of the Hospital Infanto Juvenil, as well as in her work Mothers and daughters and in her well-known series Imprisoned Women. In turn, during this period, Juan Travnik made a series of portraits in study, Adolescence, one of his first essays.

This exhibition brings together for the first time these two photographers who tackled the same theme, at the same time, but from very different places proposes a cross between them. Being recognizable the own individuality, their works find themselves in a profound and subtle way at the same time. This photographic dialogue, of more than sixty images, immerses us in adolescence, beautiful and difficult stage of transition and change, which was portrayed by both artists, where the characteristics of that age arise with intensity in the encounter of these two gazes.