Bruno Serralongue, Franck pendant une reconnaissance sur un site de construction du Bayou Bridge Pipeline, Rayne, Louisiane, juillet 2018 (detail) © air de Paris, Romainville
01/27/2022 - 04/24/2022

FRAC Ile de France - Le Plateau 
22 rue des Alouettes 
75019 Paris 

Pour la vie takes visitors on a journey through portraits of struggling individuals or groups, bearing witness to photographic series initiated by Bruno Serralongue several years ago, to which new productions have been added.
He has been questioning, since the early 1990s, the uses and status of the photographic image, going out to meet the communities that are formed around a social and political event and the people who are fighting a battle on which their living conditions depend. The artist focuses on the backstage of the event and the traces left by it and thus offers a “displaced” point of view that questions the notion of objectivity of the photographic medium and the informative power of the image.