Eurana Park, Weatherly, Pennsylvania, 1985 © Judith Joy Ross, courtesy Galerie Thomas Zander, Cologne
03/16/2022 - 09/18/2022

Le Bal 
6, impasse de la Défense 
75018 Paris 

Recognised as one of the greatest portrait artists of her time, Judith Joy Ross (born 1946 in Hazleton) is first and foremost an artist with a rare intuition. Since the mid-1970s, Ross has used large-format cameras, printing the resulting negatives by contact to memorialize her brief encounters with a cross-section of individuals, with a focus on the working-class people of northeastern Pennsylvania, where she was born, raised, and still lives. Without sentimentality or irony, Judith Joy Ross registers with steely delicacy the faces and bearing of the people who stand before her lens, intent on seeing the complexity of who they are rather than a projection of who they might otherwise be.. This has required a spontaneous and radical leveling of the relationship between photographer and subject.