Paris, 1956-1958, Collection Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden © Johan van der Keuken
06/16/2023 - 09/17/2023

Jeu de Paume 
1, Place de la Concorde 
75001 Paris 

Jeu de Paume is paying tribute to the work of Johan van der Keuken (1938–2001), a Dutch filmmaker and photographer, with a major retrospective, to be held from 16 June to 17 September 2023.
The exhibition features over a hundred vintage prints, from Dutch and French collections, in dialogue with a small selection of short films by Johan van der Keuken (1938–2001) spanning his entire oeuvre from 1955 to 2000. It includes original dummies of some of his best-known photographic books, which are being shown in France for the first time. A short programme of full-length films provides a deeper understanding of his life-long engagement with the image.