"Volumes debout", une installation de Mary Ellen Bartley
05/22/2024 - 05/22/2024

La Librairie 7L 
7, rue de Lille 
75007 Paris


Invited to explore the library-stage of 7L, Karl Lagerfeld's former photo studio, Mary Ellen Bartley explored the tactile and aesthetic qualities of the books on display. Photographing them in stacks, she then worked on their vertical representation using photomontage. Her pictorial creations present precariously balanced blocks of books as modernist totems of fragmented, stacked knowledges. Her photographic works also offer a response and respite from a noisy, chaotic and increasingly digital world.

Opening on Wednesday, May 22 / installation opens at 6:30 pm. Conversation about her project In situ at 7:30 pm.