Hilla Kurki – Fallen Feathers (from the Phoenix series) © Hilla Kurki, courtesy Gallery Taik Persons
09/16/2017 - 11/18/2017

Lindenstrasse 35 
10969 Berlin


In living a life there are very few guarantees, but experiencing loss is one emotional hurdle we all will face at some given point. How we handle it depends upon its nature, but the death of a loved one carries its own signature. It is a fundamental human experience that can bring solace for some and the loss of self for others. Rebecca Solnit once wrote, „to be without a story is to be lost in the vastness of a world that spreads in all directions like Arctic tundra or a sea of ice“ (from The Faraway Nearby, 2013). This is the starting point in understanding Hilla Kurki‘s newest body of work Fallen Feathers (from the Phoenix series)[…]