Octobre 1998, Paris. Godard dans l'œil de Libé. Richard Dumas-VU'.
11/07/2023 - 02/18/2024

Archives nationales - Site de Paris, cour d'honneur de l'hôtel de Soubise 
60 Rue des Francs Bourgeois 
75003 Paris


By giving the image carte blanche for decades, and giving it a full-page front page very early on, the newspaper Libération made press photography an art form that blends the moment with its posterity. This exhibition delves into the photographic archives of Libération, a socially and politically involved daily newspaper celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It has been organized on the occasion of the donation to the French National Archives of most of these archives, comprising over 500,000 prints. Photography was at the heart of the newspaper's editorial strategy right from the start. Its numerous commissioned reports encouraged the emergence of an original approach to current affairs, and enabled the publication of real stories in images alongside the written word. Throughout the exhibition, successive photographers and photo directors describe the images and choices made by the editorial team. In the Cour d'Honneur of the Hôtel de Soubise, images trace the contours of a contemporary history of France and the world, at the crossroads of two centuries.