04/21/2024 - 06/21/2024
Dot Fiftyone Gallery presents Gian Paolo Minelli's “Palinsesto” his second show at the gallery curated by Elio Schenini from April 21 to June 21, 2024. In this exhibition, Minelli presents photographs captured in geographically diverse locations, spanning from Kazakhstan and Buenos Aires to Rome, Paris, and Chiasso, where his studio is located in Switzerland. In his work, where the aesthetic dimension and social commitment are closely linked, architecture is not solely investigated in its aesthetic-functional dimension or spatial articulation. What interests Minelli, in fact, above all, is the ability of architectural space to serve as a support and gather traces of human inhabitation. His photographs, rigorously produced through an analog process, appear as palimpsests wherein the historicity of our existence in the world takes shape through an incessant process of rewriting, wherein the hand of man and that of nature continually overlap.
Dot Fiftyone Gallery presents Gian Paolo Minelli's “Palinsesto” his second show at the gallery curated by Elio Schenini from April 21 to June 21, 2024. In this exhibition, Minelli presents photographs captured in geographically diverse locations, spanning from Kazakhstan and Buenos Aires to Rome, Paris, and Chiasso, where his studio is located in Switzerland. In his work, where the aesthetic dimension and social commitment are closely linked, architecture is not solely investigated in its aesthetic-functional dimension or spatial articulation. What interests Minelli, in fact, above all, is the ability of architectural space to serve as a support and gather traces of human inhabitation. His photographs, rigorously produced through an analog process, appear as palimpsests wherein the historicity of our existence in the world takes shape through an incessant process of rewriting, wherein the hand of man and that of nature continually overlap.