Martínez Bellido. ST 19 (aprieto los ojos en la oscuridad), 2024
05/17/2024 - 09/06/2024

Luis Adelantado 

Borrowing from the aberrations and distortions produced by light in lenses and prisms, Martínez Bellido has made a set of photographs without a camera, now on exhibit at Galería Luis Adelantado. The title, Aprieto los ojos en la oscuridad (Press on My Eyeballs in the Dark), is taken from August Strindberg’s essay A Glance into Space, where he asks: “Is the sun round because it looks round to us? And what is light? [...] When it is dark and I press on my eyeballs, I first see a chaos of light, stars or sparks, which are gradually condensed and gathered up into a brilliant disk [...]. Is it the inside of the eye that the astronomer reproduces in word and image, and is it the lenses of the telescope that he photographs on the photosensitive plate?”