Wright Morris. Utah.  Vintage silver print, ca. 1940. 9.5 x 7 .75 inches.  $3500
11/18/2020 - 12/30/2020

Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc. 
Vintage 19th & 20th Century Photographs 
P.O. Box 40447 
CA 94140 San Francisco


I saw the American landscape crowded with ruins I wanted to salvage,” wrote Wright Morris. The farms, fields and small towns of America in the photographs of Wright Morris stand as testimonials to lives lived, livelihoods scratched from the soil and homes created with meager means and modest materials. His subjects – the worn, the well-used or the used-up - unmask stories of human lives sensed but rarely seen.
Link to the catalogue: http://www.hertzmann.net/pages/catalogs/105.pdf