Lisa Loss, Untitled (Z's Niece), 2007/2018, 22 x 33 in. (56 x 84 cm), archival pigment print
01/17/2019 - 02/23/2019

Miyako Yoshinaga 
547 West 27th Street 
2nd Floor 
10001-5511 New York


Miyako Yoshinaga presents I Can't Sleep: Homage to a Uyghur Homeland, an installation of large format photographs by Lisa Ross. This is Ross's first solo exhibition at the gallery.
Women and children - posturing, gazing, playing on bed frames - become "coincidental subjects," their vivid garments sharply accentuated against the muted earth tones of the vast Taklamakan Desert. This far west region of China (Xinjiang), home to the Uyghur people, is a place Lisa Ross has imaged and imagined for over 15 years.  Recently, the Chinese state has amplified its efforts to forcibly assimilate minority populations, imbuing the artist with a sense of urgency to display these pictures.