Untitled, A Dance of the Forests, 2022
09/23/2023 - 11/30/2023

Rua Joly Braga Santos, lote f r/c 
1600-123 Lisbon


Carlos Carvalho, a gallerist and poet, began his journey in the art world in 1988 when he opened Galeria Ara. In 2005, he moved the gallery to a new location designed by architects Aires Mateus on Rua Joly Braga Santos in Lisbon. This move marked a significant chapter in the gallery's history, and it is at this location that the celebration of 35 years of continuous activity by Carlos Carvalho takes place. The exhibition is curated by Alexandre Melo, a curator and critic, and it features a diverse selection of artists.

According to Alexandre Melo, a gallery serves as a house with an open door to the street, where invited artists temporarily make it their home during exhibitions. This concept transforms the gallery into a dynamic space that welcomes anyone interested in art, offering them a glimpse into the world of the artists showcased there. The goal is to create an atmosphere reminiscent of an artist's house, allowing visitors to carry the memory of their experience with them.