02/09/2023 - 04/22/2023

2525 Michigan Ave., a2 
90404 Santa Monica


 The exhibition brings together varied perspectives on the contemporary landscape, as not just a moment in time and point on the map, but a place on the brink of momentous change and teeming with unanswered questions. In unique ways, each image defies expectations or what one believes to be possible. The show celebrates four decades of work from gallery artists, inciting conversation between John Divola’s Portfolio Five Prints (1987), Mark Ruwedel’s Moving Rocks (2000), Christina Fernandez’s Sereno (2006-2010), Ron Jude’s Other Nature (2009), and CJ Heyliger’s VVVVVVVVVVVVV (2020-2022).

Fernandez’s image End of Road is positioned where the asphalt halts, looking over nondescript beige apartment buildings towards the cloud-studded horizon. There is a sense that the tagged guardrail is an insufficient barrier, as if the unkept shrubbery were encroaching upon the pavement, or vice versa, a car could come at any moment and crash down onto suburbia. Taken on meditative walks with her young son around the East Los Angeles neighborhood of El Sereno, Fernandez’s series speaks to the impending changes faced by the community, those brought on by gentrification and the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis.