05/21/2025 - 06/21/2025
Caroline O'Breen
Hazenstraat 54
1016 SR Amsterdam
Lucas Foglia photographed butterfly migration. Each year, Painted Lady butterflies travel between Africa, the Middle East, and Europe in search of wildflowers. While following Painted Ladies, every person Foglia met was experiencing strange weather. Many were refugees traveling to Europe along the same route as the butterflies. In the Painted Lady migration, Foglia sees an allegory for our delicate and interconnected world.
Caroline O'Breen
Hazenstraat 54
1016 SR Amsterdam
Lucas Foglia photographed butterfly migration. Each year, Painted Lady butterflies travel between Africa, the Middle East, and Europe in search of wildflowers. While following Painted Ladies, every person Foglia met was experiencing strange weather. Many were refugees traveling to Europe along the same route as the butterflies. In the Painted Lady migration, Foglia sees an allegory for our delicate and interconnected world.