Martin Parr,  The Queen visiting the Drapers’ Livery Hall. The Drapers’ Livery’s 650th Anniversary. London, England, 2014.  Antoine de Galbert donation to the Musée de Grenoble © Martin Parr / Magnum photos. Courtesy Clémentine de la Feronnière
Martin Parr, The Queen visiting the Drapers’ Livery Hall. The Drapers’ Livery’s 650th Anniversary. London, England, 2014. Antoine de Galbert donation to the Musée de Grenoble © Martin Parr / Magnum photos. Courtesy Clémentine de la Feronnière 
A history of images - Antoine de Galbert Donation

16/12/2023 - 03/03/2024

Musée de Grenoble 
5 place de Lavalette 
38000 Grenoble   

In the presence of Antoine de Galbert on the morning of February 2, 2024.
The museum presents the first assessment of the photographic collection assembled over the last four years thanks to regular donations by Antoine de Galbert and his foundation. The collection offers an impressive panorama of our times and the decisive role played by photography in shaping our perceptions and contemporary mythologies.
Since 2020, Antoine de Galbert has been committed to supporting the enrichment of the museum's collections in the field of photography. the museum's collections in the field of photography by making regular donations, either directly or through his foundation. The choice of images offered is the result of encounters with works that sketch out a vision of a state of the world, without Manichaeism or preconceptions. In this collection, you'll find images referring to key events in history since the last world war, but also to personalities, emblematic figures of oppression or liberation of peoples. Above all, we encounter the faces and bodies of anonymous men and women, revealing the destiny of a humanity grappling with the advance of a History that overtakes and often crushes it...
Through 270 images taken by 95 photographers, from Dorothea Lange to Wiktoria Wojciechowska, from Paul Strand to David Goldblatt, and including Luc Delahaye and Gilles Raynaldy, this exhibition will present a first assessment of this exceptional patronage, sketching a portrait of our times that is both objective and subjective, and illustrating in an original way a certain vision of photography.