Picture from Rio Buenaventura exhibition. Courtesy of the artist and Jean-Kenta Gauthier gallery
Picture from Rio Buenaventura exhibition. Courtesy of the artist and Jean-Kenta Gauthier gallery 
Rio Buenaventura - Stéphanie Solinas

29/03/2024 - 08/06/2024

Jean-Kenta Gauthier 
5 rue de l'Ancienne-Comédie 
75006 Paris


The Jean-Kenta Gauthier gallery presents the work “Rio Buenaventura” by Stéphanie Solinas. As part of a residency program, the artist designed a hybrid game inspired by the myth of Rio Buenaventura, a river in the American West. Created on a roulette table from Las Vegas, the game is a limited edition of her book “Self plus, Itinerary for Becoming Oneself” (L’Etre plus, Itinéraire pour Devenir soi-même, Seuil / Fiction & Cie, Paris, 2023), which explores the current invention of the augmented human on the US West Coast, between science and belief. On view at the Jean-Kenta Gauthier Vaugirard gallery until June 8, 2024.