My Father in Zebra, 1977. Impression chromogène © Mohamad Abdouni, 2024
My Father in Zebra, 1977. Impression chromogène © Mohamad Abdouni, 2024 
Mohamad Abdouni. Soft Skills

16/10/2024 - 17/11/2024

Lafayette Anticipations 
9 rue du Plâtre 
75004 Paris   

Mohamad Abdouni works on preserving stories that are incomplete or on the verge of disappearing, filling gaps and silences with fictions that he deploys, notably through AI. For his solo show at Lafayette Anticipations,
Abdouni confronts his own history by returning to his native Bekaa region in Lebanon. He tells of a future that the child he once was could not foresee, and looks back on his past with a mix of nostalgia and gravity. Reviewing his archives while recalling both the mythical and the monstrous characters that populated his imagination, the artist re-examines his inclinations as a queer boy, and the seemingly impossible embodiment of straight norms of masculinity(ies). This queer (re)reading of “soft skills” presents a jubilant reinvention of new ways of being and asserting oneself.