Laurent Millet - Jardin d’après nature
29/02/2024 - 04/05/2024
19 rue Charlemagne
75004 Paris
Galerie Binome presents the exhibition 'Jardin d’après nature' by Laurent Millet from February 29 to May 04, 2024.
« Jardin d’après nature »: such a somewhat paradoxical title, suggesting the idea of extracting something from reality, isolating, perhaps magnifying, preserving, redrawing, establishes a link between Laurent Millet’s three series on show here. Hespérides (2023), Brion Vega, hommage à Scarpa (2020) and Schloss Im Wald zu Bauen (2012) all evoke nature. In each case, however, it’s a nature we can neither inhabit nor even touch. It escapes our grasp, but is embodied and alive in the images.
29/02/2024 - 04/05/2024
19 rue Charlemagne
75004 Paris
Galerie Binome presents the exhibition 'Jardin d’après nature' by Laurent Millet from February 29 to May 04, 2024.
« Jardin d’après nature »: such a somewhat paradoxical title, suggesting the idea of extracting something from reality, isolating, perhaps magnifying, preserving, redrawing, establishes a link between Laurent Millet’s three series on show here. Hespérides (2023), Brion Vega, hommage à Scarpa (2020) and Schloss Im Wald zu Bauen (2012) all evoke nature. In each case, however, it’s a nature we can neither inhabit nor even touch. It escapes our grasp, but is embodied and alive in the images.