Kate NOLAN - LACUNA (2016-2022)
Kate NOLAN - LACUNA (2016-2022) 
Kate Nolan - LACUNA (2016-2022)

10/11/2023 - 22/12/2023

Centre culturel irlandais 
5, rue des Irlandais 
75005 Paris


The CCI is delighted to present LACUNA (2016-2022) a multi-faceted exhibition by Kate Nolan that considers the physical and psychological impact of partition on young people of the Irish borderlands. The project began in the border village of Pettigo. The River Termon flows through the village, marking the border between County Donegal in the Republic of Ireland, and County Fermanagh in Northern Ireland. At places where the river narrows, one can step – often without realising it – into another county, and now, into or out of the European Union. In collaboration with, and guided by, young people forgotten by the politics of boundaries, Nolan explores the notion of the border as a liminal space. From the Northwest tip to the Southeast border, LACUNA weaves still and moving images, recorded stories and original soundscapes to invoke the tangible and intangible, the natural and constructed essence of the Irish borderlands.

Exhibition curated by Natasha Christia. Presented as part of PhotoSaintGermain and Paris Photo festivals.