Yto Barrada, La Mer morte, 1996. Tirage noir et blanc, 50,8 x 60,5 cm. Musée de l’IMA.
Yto Barrada, La Mer morte, 1996. Tirage noir et blanc, 50,8 x 60,5 cm. Musée de l’IMA. 
Instants - photos

21/09/2019 - 15/01/2020

Institut du Monde Arabe 
1, rue des Fossés-Saint-Bernard, Place Mohammed V 
75005 Paris   

The Arab world, once called the "East", has long been perceived through the eyes of Western painters or traveller-photographers in search of exoticism. The clichés taken in the 19th century during their travels left their mark on Europeans who were discovering a dream world.