Felipe Romero Beltrán, Dialect, 2023 – Courtesy of the Artist & Loose Joints
Felipe Romero Beltrán, Dialect, 2023 – Courtesy of the Artist & Loose Joints 
'Felipe Romero Beltrán: Dialect'

01/03/2025 - 12/04/2025

Prinzessinnenstrasse 29 
10969 Berlin


Klemm’s announce the first solo exhibition of Colombian artist Felipe Romero Beltrán at the gallery, showcasing selected works from his photographic series Dialect (2020–2023) alongside the video work Recital (2020).

Born in Bogotá in 1992 and now based in Paris, Felipe Romero Beltrán explores the liminal realities of migrants in his multimedia, long-term project. In the juxtaposition of the Dialect series with the three-channel video projection Recital, documentation and staging merge into an ambiguous yet powerful narrative about waiting, companionship, and the conditions of migration, both bureaucratic and linguistic. Over the course of three years, Beltrán accompanied a group of minors from Morocco who had entered Spain irregularly and were placed in a temporary center while awaiting permission to legally immigrate. It can take up to three years for these youth to receive resident status, at which point they are legally declared adults. Trapped in limbo, they fill the time with sports, personal hygiene, and conversation.